
100Things About Busy MOM


1. I am female.
2. How am I doing?
3. I live in the South.
4. I have 3 kids.
5. My feet grew nearly 2 sizes after having kids.
6. If I have more kids, I will have to get shoes made.
7. I can juggle. Really. Not just schedules, I can juggle real stuff.
8. I have a third nostril.
9. Not really, I just want to see if anyone is really reading this.
10. I am an only child.
11. My mother was an only child.
12. So was her mother.
13. Therefore, I don't have many relatives.
14. My college roomates used to rag on me about that on Family Weekend.
15.They would ask when my "relative" was coming.
16. I'm adopted.
17. No drama, I was an infant, pretty standard.
18. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in 6/03. She died 7/06
19. It sucks, please don't smoke.
20. I have had plantar fasciitis (heel pain) for a year now.
21. I met my husband at summer camp.
22. I live in an old house (1938).
23. It's "charming", but "charming" is pretty darn cold in the winter.
24. I love Starbucks.
25. I own a set of drums. I can play a little.
26. I have lived here (in this town, not in my blog) all my life except 4 years in graduate school in another city.
27. I went to grade school and high school on the same campus.
28. I went to college on the same street as above.
29. I worked at a hospital located on this street, too.
30. Went to summer camp for 18 years (altogether, now) "on the same street" too.
31. Yep, I lived right off this street, too.
32. And, I currently work at a hospital there.
33. I don't get out enough.
34. I wear glasses or contacts
35. My kids play soccer (and other sports as well).
36. I gues that makes me a soocer mom.
37. I drive a minivan, so I guess that confirms my "soccer mom" status.
38. I like it.
39. I love the beach.
40. I love shopping.
41. I love shopping at the beach.
42. I go on a "girls" trip to the beach every January. 2004 will be our 5th year.
43. We eat and go shopping at the beach.
44. A lot.
46. It's a lot of fun.
47. I want to go to the beach now.
48. I was an over-achiever in high school.
49. Wish I could say that now.
50. I have never broken a bone.
51. This is half-way to 100. Seems like a good place to take a break.
52. I wish I knew CSS.
53. I sure would like to make a new layout.
54. However, if I knew CSS, then I'd wish I had artistic ability.
55. CSS can be learned, artistic ability, well...
56. I've been mugged.
57. I've also been a witness in a mugging.
58. It was at a wedding, I was the only one who saw the bad guy.
59. I had to pick him out of a line-up, like on TV
60. I did it.
61. I don't like seafood.
62. I'm not much fun to eat with at the beach. Well, I can usually find something I like.
63. I love red meat.
64. I enjoy mowing grass, which is a good thing since we live on 3 acres.
65. I'm not big into jewelry.
66. However, if you want to give me some, I won't turn it down!
67. I drive too fast.
68. I've never had a wreck.
69. I should know better since I worked in an ER.
70. I'm chronically early.
71. My husband is not.
72. Sometimes I feel sorry for him when he is not.
73. Oh, I can be very impatient.
74. I love football.
75. I don't really have one best friend.
76. I'm don't realy like breakfast food.
77. Unless I'm on vacation.
78. I need a vacation.
79. I'm afraid of tornadoes.
80. Several years ago, a large one came through town.
81. I saw it over the kid's daycare.
82. I couldn't get there.
83. I don't usually like pictures of myself.
84. Yes, I am well aware this is not 100 things.

Not Done.


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