
Comment or Suggestion


Any 100's that you want to Suggest which is not in the (AA) Search Topics Categories, please write it down here. Let me do the work for you. =)

If you have a helpful answer to someone's question, leave a comment on the page.

Note: To leave a Comment or Suggestion, Click comment as " NAME/URL". Type your Name, leave the URL blank and that's it, you can start writing.

Note: Chinese and English are acceptable. =)

Million Thanks.



1. The Ways to get happy.
2. How to give a speech or talk in public with confidence. " Like Mr.Ho" haha...
3. The fastest and easy way to become thinner/ fatter/ prettier!!!
4. The type of coffee.
5. The names of country in this world.
6. The way to get relax after a busy day..etc...

Hi Christ,

Thanks so much for your input. Will try my best to get the 100ways of these topics.
Appreciate your introductions of this blog to all your friends.
Merci beau coup.


Hi Ken,
I have seen your earlier blog design and the current one. Very hugh trasformation. You are on the right track. Keep up with the continuous spirit to improve on all aspects of this blog.
Wish you enjoy your work.
Rgds / Css

Hi Chin,
Im happy to hear that. I will try my best to build this blog as for 1day it reflect its value to everyone that likes everything about 100's in short-notes. If you have time, kindly Register for the Followers-Friends(Bottom)-Follow the step by step "How to Sign-In as Followers" just beside it. Thank you so much for all your support.

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If there's ever anything you'd like to ask, respond to or pass along, drop us a Comment at (AA)Suggestion Area and I'll do what I can to get it done.

How to Sign-In as Followers

1. Click "Follow".
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3. Fill in "Name:_ Photo:_ " Click "Follow this blog" (Publicity). - Upload a picture will take some time, the smaller picture the faster.
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- laptop scroll and mouse scroll.