
100Things to do with wii

If you're fortunate enough to have a Wii, you certainly know by now that it's a really fun and flexible system. But no matter what you've done so far, there's a good chance that you've only found the tip of the iceberg. Follow this list to find even more awesome things to do with the Wii.

Internet Channel

The Wii's Internet Channel has opened up a lot of opportunities for fun stuff, like homebrewed games, Flash, and lots more.

  1. Homebrew: You can create games that are fit for playing through the Wii's Internet Channel.
  2. Wiicade: Play arcade games created for the Wii on this site.
  3. Watch TV: Check out one of the many video sites online that showcases TV, and you've got a virtual on-demand TV program right in your system.
  4. Stream Joost: Use this hack to stream Joost videos to your Wii.
  5. Browse in full screen: Use this settings hack to enable full-screen viewing.
  6. WiiTube: On WiiTube, you can watch videos made specifically for the Wii.Play movies: Tweak your settings to watch home movies on the Wii.
  7. Watch YouTube: Watch YouTube on a bigger screen with the Wii.Create a Wii media server: Use this web media server to turn your Wii into a multimedia machine.Stream iTunes: Check out this tutorial to learn how to stream your iTunes music library to the Wii.
  8. Stream PC media: Get media from your PC onto the Wii Opera browser to watch PC on your TV.
  9. MiiBoard: Find flash games that work well with the Wii on this board.
  10. Brag on the forums: Check out the
  11. Wii forums to share ideas and brag about high scores.
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Miis are really fun to create and play with, but you can take your Miis to the next level with these suggestions.

14. Enter your Miis in contests: Recently, Nintendo has offered a way for Wii users to create Miis and compete with other artists.

15. Share Miis with friends: Send your funniest and most creative Miis to your friends.

16. Freakify your friends and family: While they're out of town, give all of their Miis huge eyes or blue eyeshadow.

17. Create celebrity Miis: Try your hand at creating Miss Piggy, Beavis and Butthead, Link, and more.

18. Send unlimited Miis: With this hack, you can distribute as many Miis as you want.

19. Get a real life Wii made: There are a number of services out there that will turn your Wii into a figurine.

20. Create "Special" Miis: Special Miis were created to release celebrity Miis, but you can create your own Special Miis with this hack.

21. Get a custom cake topper: If you're looking for an interesting wedding cake topper, get one made in your Wii likeness.


The Wii's Wiimote has turned out to be an incredibly useful tool, great for applications even outside of the Wii.

22. Create head tracking: The Wiimote can be used for virtual reality displays.

23. Pretend your Wiimote is a light saber: Turn your Wiimote into a light saber for the ultimate in Wii-Star Wars geekery.

24. Control your Smarthome: You can use the Wiimote to control a number of things, even a Smarthome.

25. Make a drum kit: Check out this hack to learn how you can turn the Wiimote into drums.

26. Make your nunchuck accessible: Check out this hack to learn how to make nunchuck-controlled games work on just the Wiimote.

27. Control DJ equipment: Check out this hack that uses the Wiimote to control loops.

28. Make your classic controller look like a Wiimote: Use this hack to make your classic Wii controller a little more attractive and fun.

29. Play on the Xbox 360: Hack your Wiimote and nunchuck to play on the Xbox 360.

30. Create your own blaster: With this mod, you can turn any toy gun into a blaster.

31. Correct perspective in digital photography: With the Wiimote, you can record the pitch and roll that a photo is taken at, then use these values to tilt the image appropriately.

32. Wiimote Curtain Controller: Although it's not practical, it certainly is fun to control your draps with the Wiimote.

33. BlueTunes: This app makes it easy to control iTunes, Winamp, and more, all with your Wiimote.

34. Play air guitar: Rock out with your Wiimote using this hack.

35. Play air drums: If guitar isn't enough for you, create a Wiimote drum machine.

36. Create a door opener: With this hack, you can open electric locks with your Wiimote.

37. Modify your buttons: Use this program to customize your Wiimote's buttons.

38. Control the Wii with your head: Using the WiiHelm and its included foot pedals, you can control the Wii without using your hands at all.

39. Play laser tag: Use this script to create laser tag with Wiimotes.

40. Whiteboard: You can turn your library into a digital whiteboard with a Wiimote.

41. Talk on the phone: Mod your Wiimote into a phone for some good, clean, geeky fun.

42. Check your battery: Your Wii's LED lights indicate how much battery life is left in the controller.

43. Turn your TV into a touchless Microsoft Surface: With this hack, you can control your TV and software with the Wiimote.

44. Control Google Earth: Use this hack to zoom in and out, and spin the globe around.

45. Create a powerglove: You can create your own powerglove with a Wiimote using this hack.

46. Control an electric car: Yes, you can control an electric car with the Wiimote.

47. Play a horse racing game: Check out this hack that puts the Wiimote on a rocking horse to create a racing game.

48. Collect speed data: With a little scripting an ingenuity, you can use the Wiimote as an accelerometer.

49. Connect to your PC: Use this hack to connect your Wiimote to a PC.

50. Clip your Wiimote to the classic controller: Use this clip to play games that need dual-analog as well as motion sensitive controls.

51. Make your own bluetooth transmitter: Check out this hack to learn how to turn the Wiimote into a cheap bluetooth transmitter.

52. Control a robot: Check out this hack to learn how to control a robot using the Wii nunchuck.

53. Track your fingers: Change your sensitivity settings to allow finger tracking on the Wii.


The Wii was, of course, primarily made for gaming. Take your games to the next level with these suggestions.

54. Lose weight: With the Wii's active gaming, you can take off a few pounds following the right regimen.

55. Change your bowling ball color: With this hack, you can customize the color of your bowling ball.

56. Play region free: With the Wii FreeLoader, you can play games from any region.

57. Learn how to cook: With the Wii's Cooking Mama game, you can pick up cooking techniques.

58. Play Pong: Using a hack in Zelda, you can play Pong on the Wii.

59. Take out your frustrations on boxing: Land satisfying punches on the computer or a friend in Wii boxing.

60. Use it for physical therapy: The Wii has become popular for rehabilitation exercises.

61. Play Tetris: If Pong just isn't going to cut it for you, hack your way into playing Tetris.

62. Scare the Miis behind you: If you release your ball on the backswing in WiiSports bowling, you'll scare the spectators.

63. Carry around an SD card: If you're using an SD card with your Wii game, you can transport it right in the same case with this hack.

64. Improve your sports skills: Practice sports like bowling and golf in the air conditioned comfort of your own home.

65. Throw a 91-pin strike: In the training mode of WiiSports, you can knock down 91 pins.

66. Improve your sidearm pitch: Throw this great pitch using this hack.

67. Throw your ball into other people's lanes: See what happens when you try this hack.

68. Play on a practice court: Use this hack to change up the tennis court.

69. Learn how to operate: In the Wii's Trauma Center game, you can see how you'd perform as a surgeon.

Check out these hacks and tricks for even more Wii fun.

70. Sensor bar: Create a wireless sensor bar for easier, portable Wii gaming.

71. Customize your Wii's look: You can decorate your Wii in styles ranging from Zelda to Yoshi and Darth Vader.

72. Run Linux: Use a Zelda explot to run Linux on the Wii.

73. Create a laptop: Follow the lead of one brilliant modder and turn your Wii into a laptop.

74. Wireless: Set up your Wii for wireless use.

75. Pulse your light bar to audio: Use this hardware mod to make your Wii's light pulse along to music.

76. Project the Wii onto a movie screen: Using a wireless sensor bar and some calculations, you can project your Wii onto the big screen.

77. Decide whether to head outside or stay in to play WiiSports: With the weather channel, you can figure out if it's better to play inside or out.

78. Mod your Wii: Use a modchip to play homebrewed GameCube games and more.

79. Play music: Use this hack to turn the Wii into an MP3 player.

80. Hone your fine motor skills: Take a page from these surgeons, and use the Wii to fine-tune your motor skills.

81. Navigate global news stories, using a globe: Check out the news channel to explore the novelty of reading the news on a globe.

82. Rearrange Channels: If you've downloaded a lot of different games or channels, you can rearrange them with this hack.

83. Play classic games: Use the virtual console to download your old favorites on the N64, Super Nintendo, and more.

84. Improve your wireless reception: Use this hack to add an antenna that will bost your network reception.

85. Make a Wii cake: Follow Martha Stewart's instructions to create a cake modeled after the Wii.

86. Make music: Turn a yo-yo and a Wii into a musical instrument using this hack.

87. Edit photos: On the Photo channel, you can do cursory photo editing.

88. Show off your geekiness with a Wii skateboard: Check out this skateboard painted to look like a Wiimote.

89. Catch your spouse cheating: A soldier returning from Iraq busted his wife, who spent several nights playing Wii bowling with another man while he was gone.

90. Give games as a gift: On the virtual console, you can send games to friends as a gift.

91. Spin the globe: On the News and Weather channels, you can spin the globe just for fun.

92. Compete for most-tuned-in-Mii: Use the Everyone Votes channel to see who knows popular opinion the best.

93. Create a huge picture puzzle: With this hack, you can turn any photo into a 192-piece puzzle.

94. Create your own slideshow music: Put mp3s in your SD card, and you can set a photo slideshow to music.

95. Download photos from your phone: Enable bluetooth on your phone, and you can send camera phone photos to your Wii.

96. Portable presentation system: The system is portable, and easy to hook up to a projector, plus it has an SD card slot, so you can use it with the Photo Channel.

97. Create a poll: If you're curious about common opinion on a subject, submit your own poll to the Everyone Votes channel.

98. Map yourself: Put yourself on the Wii map, just for fun.

99. Message other Wii owners: Share your 16-digit Wii number with friends and family to share Miis, send messages, and more.

100. Play with non-gamers: Perhaps the coolest thing to do with the Wii is share it with non-gamers. The Wii is a friendly console for grandma, kids, and everyone in between, so it's a great way to introduce others to gaming.




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