
100Things To Do In Kodiak

Get a Kodiak Map and a Kodiak Visitors Guide with the walking tour for your adventures!

1. Visit St. Paul Harbor & watch the boats
2. St. Herman Seminary -the chapel is a replica of the original Russian Orthodox Church built for St Herman's mission in 1795
3. Go whale watching
4. Visit the Russian Cemetery
5. Get a book and learn about the creatures in the tidepools
6. Visit the Alutiiq Museum
7. Go Salmon Fishing
8. Shop till you drop in Downtown Kodiak
9. Golf at Bear Valley Golf Course
10. Walk the trails at Fort Abercrombie State Park
11. Drive to the end of the Monashka Bay road
12. Tide pooling at Fort Abercrombie
13. Watch the float planes at Trident Basin (Near Island)
14. Charter a boat and check out our waters
15. Visit Northend Park (Near Island)
16. Watch the activity in the harbors from Near Island Bridge
17. Visit the Ferry Dock when the ferry is in and watch the people
18. See the Baranof Museum
19. Visit the Russian Orthodox Church
20. Visit the Alaska Fish & Game and look at the displays.
21. Bike through town.
22. Try the Public Library for some interesting history on Kodiak
23. Watch the big boats at St. Herman Harbor
24. Walk the docks towards the end at St Herman Harbor and look for Steller Sea Lions
25. Visit the Coast Guard Base
26. Visit the Buskin River State Recreation Area
27. See the bears and eagle displays at the Kodiak Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
28. Try an ocean kayaking tour
29. Drive to the top of Pillar Mountain for some great views
30. Go on a hike
31. Visit the Fishery Industrial Technology Center (Near Island)
32. Drive to Roads End for lunch or dinner
33. Take a scenic air tour by plane
34. Visit the Jewel Beach at the Coast Guard Base
35. Go fly fishing on one of the many rivers
36. Go surfing at Pasagshak (really!)
37. Hike to the top of Pillar
38. Visit the Kodiak Fishery Research Center (Near Island)
39. Have a beach picnic on Roslyn Beach
40. Sit at Buskin Beach and watch the tide
41. Take a nap when it rains
42. Have a day picnic at Fort Abercrombie
43. Visit the World War II Museum at Fort Abercrombie
44. Rent the local video Grabbing Grounds, watch it, then go find a job crabbing in the Bering Sea!
45. Go Bird watching
46. Climb Barometer Mountain or
47. Stand at the bottom of Barometer, look up at the trail then say "Oh man, I'm not that bored!"
48. Go on a dive charter
49. Go on an Audubon hike
50. Count how many sea gulls you see
51. Go on a bird watching charter
52. Rent a movie, we probably have some you've never heard of
53. Drive to the Anton Larsen Pass
54. Take a river float trip
55. Look for Puffin's
56. Rent a kayak and explore our shoreline
57. Check out Kodiak's many varieties of flowers
58. See our local talent at Northern Exposure Gallery
59. Look for petroglyphs
60. Go to the Kodiak Inn upstairs in the hall to the restaurant are pictures of the 1964 earthquake
61. Visit Casey the bear at the First National Bank of Anchorage (the bear bank)
62. For a flower fix visit Carrie at Red Dog Nursery
63. Visit the National Bank of Alaska for the crab display (the crab bank)
64. The Chart Room at the Kodiak Inn has an artichoke and crab dip to die for
65. Visit the Army National Cemetery
66. Find the Old Russian Well
67. Find the Tsunami High Water Marker for the 64 earthquake and Tsunami. Hint: it involves the police.
68. Visit the Fisherman's Memorial at the Harbormaster's building
69. Visit the Selief plaque on lower Mill Bay Road
70. Pamper yourself, your on vacation
71. Sun tan on the Buskin beach
72. Try some local smoked salmon
73. Henry's Great Alaskan Restaurant has great Alaskan artifacts and pictures. Good food too
74. Fabulous Fireworks at midnight on July 3rd
75. Go on a bear viewing trip
"Welcome to Kodiak" chain saw carving in downtown
77. Rotary Park
78. Have a great sandwich at Beryl's
79. Norman's in downtown has wonderful gifts
80. Take lots of pictures to show at the next neighborhood dinner
81. Drive past Pasagshak and see the Rocket launch site. Really!
82. Go to Woody Island
83. See the Buffalo herd on the way to Pasagshak
84. Visit fossil Beach past Pasagshak
85. Listen to Hotline 10 am weekdays on 101.1 FM (local radio show: buy, sell, trade with lots of opinions)
86. Build a fire on the beach and roast hot dogs and marshmallows
87. Skip rocks in the ocean. We have lots of nice flat ones
88. Fish until you can't fish anymore!
89. Take in a show at the Orpheum Theater
90. Catch a huge halibut
91. Build a sand castle
92. Lay down in the grass and watch for eagles
93. Get a book and learn about all the birds on Kodiak Island
94. Take a long walk on the beach at sunset
95. Find out about all those boats: Trawler, Gillnetter, Purse Seiner, Crabber and Longliner
96. Ask around town about a pooping Moose....we have a few
97. Charter a flight and visit one of the villages on the island
98. Buy something to take home to friends and family
99. Find a nice quiet spot to just sit and look at the ocean and our beautiful mountains
100. Enjoy your stay in Kodiak, we are glad you're here!



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