
100Things About Girlfriend


1. I bought a $400 dollar vacuum and I don’t know how I lived without it. Thank you Mr. Dyson

2. I hate the winter.

3. Until the fourth grade, almost all of my female friends were non-white, which is odd as my grade school was probably 92% WASP

4. Unless it’s booze, I rarely drink any beverage other than water.

5. I can be compulsive about cleanliness when I’m stressed

6. I’m an incredibly jealous person.

7. I have no problems spending hours watching television or movies.

8. Bread and butter is probably the meal I’d choose if I could only choose one thing to eat for the rest of my life.

9. Except for Andrew Lloyd Webber, I really love show tunes.

10. I hate talking on the phone.

11. Religion creeps me out, especially born again Christians.

12. I’d like to live someplace warm.

13. All of my clothes were bought in thrift stores from the time I was 14 up until I turned 19.

14. I pierced my own ears and those of others in middle school.

15. My ear piercings never got infected.

16. I had to have knee surgery after a crowd surfing incident in 1994.

17. I stage dived for the first time at a Dead Milkmen show.

18. I stage dived for the last time at the Dead Milkmen’s reunion tour. (which was one day after their last show.)

19. I dyed my hair with Manic Panic for the last time my first year of college. Before that my hair had been blue, purple, red, black and orange.

20. I had a belly button ring for about a week when I was fourteen.

21. I took it out because I couldn’t deal with the infection.

22. I wore a nose ring for five years.

23. Every time he saw me my dad would ask, “When are you taking that thing out of your nose?”

24. I’m very good at spelling.

25. I met my future husband in a bar.

26. When I’m hungry I’m a raging bitch.

27. I had dreadlocks for two weeks in ninth grade.

28. In first grade, I read at an eighth grade level. I was in my own reading group.

29. I finished college before I was old enough to drink legally.

30. I’m a very good cook.

31. More often than not I prefer silence to music.

32. My parents are divorced, yet they spend almost every holiday together and occasionally vacation together.

33. I always thought I’d end up with a career in the arts. Clearly I was mistaken.

34. I dream about my students almost every night.

35. My eyes are hazel.

36. Bananas make me sick to my stomach.

37. I read incredibly quickly.

38. If it were up to me, emoticons would be banned from the internet.

39. I love offensive jokes

40. I have a good portion of the movie Heathers memorized.

41. I can also quote a great deal of Dazed and Confused.

42. In my youth, I was a bit of an exhibitionist.

43. That’s probably why I journal online.

44. I bruise really easily

45. Unless I pay them online, I’m chronically late with bills for no good reason other than laziness.

46. I went to see live music several times a week in high school.

47. I watch way too much tv

48. Felicity may be my favorite show

49. Except maybe for anything else on the WB

50. Or Comedy Central, for that matter..

51. I am very rarely wrong.

52. I’m good at almost everything I do, but not good enough to be especially good at anything.

53. Except for reading, but I don’t know that that counts

54. A friend’s mom told me that I needed Jesus to save my soul

55. She didn’t care that I’m Jewish

56. I can still read Hebrew

57. But only if it’s written with vowels

58. And I don’t understand a word of it

59. I took 4 years of Spanish

60. I also took 1 year of French in high school. I was terrible though and I spoke French with a Spanish accent

61. I took years of piano lessons but can only play two songs

62. Bach’s Bourre and the theme from Footloose

63. I love buying people presents

64. but sometimes I like them too much and keep them for myself

65. I can’t help but peek at someone’s medicine cabinet

66. Sometimes I sleep in cashmere sweaters.

67. I got glasses a few years ago, but I never wear them.

68. I used to kill all of my plants, but I’ve gotten much better.

69. When a digital clock turns to 11:11 I always make a wish, but if the clock changes to 11:12 while I’m wishing it didn’t count.

70. 47 is my favorite number

71. I went to 4 different high schools

72. One of them for only one day

73. I hated high school so I chose to skip lunch for a semester so I could graduate a year early

74. After graduation I attempted to drive cross country with a friend

75. She got on my nerves so badly I told her we had to turn around

76. I have very little patience

77. If I ever quit my job I’d like to become a yoga instructor

78. Not the spiritual kind.

79. I worked at The Olive Garden for one day

80. I quit because it was the day before Halloween and they were already playing Christmas music.

81. I was a vegetarian for close to 6 years.

82. I got really, really hungry so I started eating meat again.

83. When I was a vegetarian I quit a job at a supermarket because they made me work in the deli.

84. Grinding hamburger meat was not for me.

85. Neither is slicing pickle loaf

86. I have never eaten bologna

87. I don’t care for seafood. Any of it. Even if it’s deep-fried.

88. During the week I tend to eat the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables

89. On the weekends I’m not so good at that.

90. In college I once ate nothing but pizza for two weeks.

91. I lived in 7 different places in my three and a half years of college

92. Even though I doubt I’ll ever try, I still think about going to veterinary school

93. Science is not one of my strengths

94. I’m very competitive but I hate to admit it

95. My boobs were bigger when I was fourteen than they are now.

96. It’s probably because I’m thinner, but it’s still kind of odd

97. I’ve never balanced my checkbook

98. I’ve never spent more money than I have

99. If they made cards I’d be a card carrying feminist

100. My middle name is Pier and I’ve always hated it.




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