
100 Business Books Everyone Should Read


Current rank #1
The Goal
Goldratt & Cox
Vote up Vote down 606 votes

Current rank #2
Good to Great
Jim Collins
Vote up Vote down 155 votes

Current rank #3
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey
Vote up Vote down 154 votes

Current rank #4
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Dale Carnegie
Vote up Vote down 109 votes

Current rank #5
Robert Cialdini
Vote up Vote down 102 votes

Current rank #6
The Effective Executive
Drucker & MacIariello
Vote up Vote down 95 votes

Current rank #7
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
Vote up Vote down 85 votes

Current rank #8
Levitt and Dubner
Vote up Vote down 76 votes

Current rank #9
The World is Flat
Thomas Friedman
Vote up Vote down 67 votes

Current rank #10
Purple Cow
Seth Godin
Vote up Vote down 65 votes

Current rank #11
It's Not Luck
Vote up Vote down 59 votes

Current rank #12
Think And Grow Rich!
Napoleon Hill
Vote up Vote down 58 votes

Current rank #13
A Whole New Mind
Daniel Pink
Vote up Vote down 49 votes

Current rank #14
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Vote up Vote down 40 votes

Current rank #15
Jack Welch
Vote up Vote down 39 votes

Current rank #16
Toyota Production System
Taiichi Ono
Vote up Vote down 39 votes

Current rank #17
Getting Things Done
David Allen
Vote up Vote down 37 votes

Current rank #18
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Kioysaki with Lechter
Vote up Vote down 37 votes

Current rank #19
Competitive Strategy
Michael E. Porter
Vote up Vote down 36 votes

Current rank #20
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
Vote up Vote down 30 votes

Current rank #21
Who Moved My Cheese?
Spencer Johnson
Vote up Vote down 29 votes

Current rank #22
The Machine That Changed the World
Womack, Jones, & Roos
Vote up Vote down 28 votes

Current rank #23
The E-Myth Revisited
Michael Gerber
Vote up Vote down 28 votes

Current rank #24
Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
Vote up Vote down 27 votes

Current rank #25
Built to Last
Collins & Porras
Vote up Vote down 27 votes

Current rank #26
Bossidy & Charan
Vote up Vote down 26 votes

Current rank #27
Spin Selling
Neil Rackham
Vote up Vote down 25 votes

Current rank #28
The Fifth Discipline
Peter Senge
Vote up Vote down 25 votes

Current rank #29
Malcolm Gladwell
Vote up Vote down 24 votes

Current rank #30
Six Thinking Hats
Edward De Bono
Vote up Vote down 23 votes

Current rank #31
The Wisdom Of Crowds
James Surowiecki
Vote up Vote down 23 votes

Current rank #32
Classic Drucker
Peter Ferdinand Drucker
Vote up Vote down 23 votes

Current rank #33
The Balanced Scorecard
Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton
Vote up Vote down 23 votes

Current rank #34
The Speed of Trust
Stephen M. R. Covey
Vote up Vote down 23 votes

Current rank #35
Barbarians at the Gate
Bryan Burrough & John Helyar
Vote up Vote down 22 votes

Current rank #36
First, Break All the Rules
Buckingham & Coffman
Vote up Vote down 20 votes

Current rank #37
The One Minute Manager
Blanchard and Johnson
Vote up Vote down 19 votes

Current rank #38
Blue Ocean Strategy
Kim & Mauborgne
Vote up Vote down 19 votes

Current rank #39
The Art of Possibility
Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander
Vote up Vote down 19 votes

Current rank #40
The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli
Vote up Vote down 19 votes

Current rank #41
Secrets of Closing
the Sale

Zig Ziglar
Vote up Vote down 19 votes

Current rank #42
The Dip
Seth Godin
Vote up Vote down 18 votes
Vote up Vote down 18 votes

Current rank #44
The Dance of Change
Senge, Kleiner,
Roberts & Roth
Vote up Vote down 17 votes

Current rank #45
The Innovator's Dilemma
Clayton Christensen
Vote up Vote down 17 votes

Current rank #46
Tom Peters
Vote up Vote down 16 votes

Current rank #47
Al Ries & Jack Trout
Vote up Vote down 16 votes

Current rank #48
The Art of the Start
Guy Kawasaki
Vote up Vote down 15 votes

Current rank #49
Michael Lewis
Vote up Vote down 15 votes

Current rank #50
Never Eat Alone
Keith Ferrazzi
Vote up Vote down 14 votes

Current rank #51
Michael Michalko
Vote up Vote down 14 votes

Current rank #52
The Discipline of Market Leaders
Treacy & Wiersema
Vote up Vote down 14 votes

Current rank #53
The Age of Unreason
Charles Handy
Vote up Vote down 13 votes

Current rank #54
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Vote up Vote down 13 votes

Current rank #55
What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Marshall Goldsmith
Vote up Vote down 13 votes

Current rank #56
The Design of Everyday Things
Donald Norman
Vote up Vote down 12 votes

Current rank #57
Out of the Crisis
Vote up Vote down 12 votes

Current rank #58
Who Says Elephants
Can't Dance?

Louis Gerstner
Vote up Vote down 12 votes

Current rank #59
Selling the Dream
Guy Kawasaki
Vote up Vote down 12 votes

Current rank #60
Competing for the Future
C.K. Prahalad, Gary Hamel
Vote up Vote down 12 votes

Current rank #61
The Dilbert Principle
Scott Adams
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #62
It's Your Ship
Michael Abrashoff
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #63
The Leadership Challenge
Kouzes & Posner
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #64
The New Economics
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #65
Crossing the Chasm
Geoffrey Moore
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #66
360 Degree Leader
John C. Maxwell
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #67
Emotional Design
Donald Norman
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #68
In Search of Excellence
Peters and Waterman
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #69
Lean Thinking
Moskowitz & Gofman
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #70
A Whack on the Side of the Head
Roger Von Oech
Vote up Vote down 11 votes

Current rank #71
Tapscott & Williams
Vote up Vote down 10 votes

Current rank #72
The Long Tail
Chris Anderson
Vote up Vote down 10 votes

Current rank #73
What Color Is Your Parachute?
Richard Nelson Bolles
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #74
Confessions of an Advertising Man
David Ogilvy
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #75
What the CEO Wants
You to Know

Ram Charan
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #76
Leadership is An Art
Max De Pree
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #77
Oh, The Places You'll Go
Dr. Seuss
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #78
Up the Organization
Robert Townsend
Vote up Vote down 9 votes

Current rank #79
To Engineer Is Human
Henry Petroski
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #80
5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Patrick Lencioni
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #81
Chasing Daylight
Eugene O'Kelly
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #82
Ricardo Semler
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #83
The Team Handbook
Joiner, Scholtes, & Streibel
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #84
The Innovator's Solution
Christensen and Raynor
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #85
Why We Buy
Paco Underhill
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #86
Against the Gods
Peter L. Bernstein
Vote up Vote down 8 votes

Current rank #87
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant
Kioysaki with Lechter
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #88
The Wal-Mart Effect
Charles Fishman
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #89
Made in America
Walton & Huey
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #90
Leading Change
John Kotter
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #91
The Creative Habit
Twyla Tharp, Mark Reiter
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #92
The Leader's Handbook
Peter Scholtes
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #93
Sources of Power
Gary Klein
Vote up Vote down 7 votes

Current rank #94
Nikos Mourkogiannis
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #95
Ron Chernow
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #96
When Genius Failed
Roger Lowenstein
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #97
On the Wealth of Nations
P. J. O'Rourke
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #98
The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
Pietra Rivoli
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #99
Wagner & Harter
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #100
The Smartest Guys In The Room
Elkind & McLean
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #101
Den of Thieves
Stewart & Heller
Vote up Vote down 6 votes

Current rank #102
Yamashita & Spataro
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #103
Profit from the Core
Chris Zook & James Allen
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #104
Ries & Trout
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #105
Visual Explanations
Edward Tufte
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #106
The Art of Innovation
Kelley & Littman
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #107
Creating Customer Evangelists
Ben McConnell, Jackie Huba
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #108
The Cluetrain Manifesto
Locke, Levine, Searls, Weinberger
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #109
Punished by Rewards
Alfie Kohn
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #110
Conspiracy of Fools
Kurt Eichenwald
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #111
Servant Leadership
Robert Greenleaf
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #112
The Box
Marc Levinson
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #113
Authentic Leadership
Bill George
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #114
E-Myth Mastery
Michael Gerber
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #115
The Knowing-Doing Gap
Pfeffer & Sutton
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #116
The Ultimate Question
Fred Reichheld
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #117
Why Smart
Executives Fail

Sydney Finkelstein
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #118
Rules for Revolutionaries
Guy Kawasaki
Vote up Vote down 5 votes

Current rank #119
Leadership and the New Science
Margaret Wheatley
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #120
1001 Ways to Reward EmployeesBob Nelson
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #121
The Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #122
The Change Masters
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #123
Power of Intuition
Gary Klein
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #124
Leading the Revolution
Gary Hamel
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #125
Fooled by Randomness
nessim Nicholas Taleb
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #126
Beyond the Core
Chris Zook
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #127
Guerilla Marketing
Jay Conrad Levinson
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #128
Losing My Virginity
Richard Branson
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #129
Moments of Truth
Jan Carlzon
Vote up Vote down 4 votes

Current rank #130
Anatomy of Greed
Brian Cruver
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #131
The Story Factor
Annette Simmons
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #132
What Should I Do with My Life?
Po Bronson
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #133
How to Become a Rainmaker
Jeffrey J. Fox
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #134
Personal History
Katharine Graham
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #135
Orbiting the Giant Hairball
Gordon MacKenzie
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #136
Certain to Win
Chet Richards
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #137
A Business and Its Beliefs
Thomas J. Watson, Jr.
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #138
A New Brand World
Bedbury & Fenichell
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #139
Ted Levitt on Marketing
Ted Levitt
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #140
Bennis & Naunus
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #141
Control Your Own Destiny or Someone
Else Will

Tichy & Sherman
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #142
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing
Kioysaki with Lechter
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #143
Creative Destruction
Foster & Kaplan
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #144
Nohria & Lawrence
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #145
The Disney Way
Lynn Jackson, Bill Capodagli
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #146
Selling Blue Elephants
Moskowitz & Gofman
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #147
My Years With General Motors
Alfred P. Sloan
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #148
Customers for Life
Carl Sewell, Paul B. Brown
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #149
The Answer to How is Yes
Peter Block
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #150
China Shakes the World
James Kynge
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #151
Questions of Character
Joseph Badaracco
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #152
Raising the Bar
Erickson & Lorentzen
Vote up Vote down 3 votes

Current rank #153
Naked Economics
Charles Wheelan
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #154
Jerry Kaplan
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #155
Strategy and Structure
Alfred Chandler
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #156
Discovering the Soul of Service
Leonard L. Berry
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #157
The Force
David Dorsey
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #158
Common Sense Economics
Gwartney, Stroup & Lee
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #159
24 Days
Smith & Emshwiller
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #160
Winning at New Products
Robert G. Cooper
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #161
Leadership and Self-Deception
The Arbinger Institute
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #162
Juran on Leadership for Quality
J.M. Juran
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #163
Intuition at Work
Gary Klein
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #164
Visual Grammar
Christian Leborg
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #165
The Number
Lee Eisenberg
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #166
Amercian Steel
Richard Preston
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #167
The Business Guide to Legal Literacy
Hanna Hasl-kelchner
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #168
The No Asshole Rule
Bob Sutton
Vote up Vote down 2 votes

Current rank #169
Repacking Your Bags
Leider & Shapiro
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #170
Never Give In!
Winston Churchill
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #171
Chaplin & Ruby
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #172
The Partnership Charter
David Gage
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #173
Competition Demystified
Greenwald & Kahn
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #174
Public Relations Disastors: Talespin
Gerry McCusker
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #175
Getting Business to Come to You
Edwards, Edwards & Douglas
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #176
The Big Picture
Edward Jay Epstein
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #177
One Great Insight...a Thousand Good Ideas
Phil Dusenberry
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #178
The Network Nation
Hiltz & Turoff
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #179
You Need to Be a Little Crazy
Barry Moltz
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

Current rank #180
Fourth Generation Management
Peter Block
Vote up Vote down 1 votes

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