
100Things to be happy about

Between the mortgage, our two jobs and the dryer breaking down, its no wonder we've forgotten how to smile. In today's society, there is more stress than ever, but if we look around for just a moment, we may be surprised. Believe it or not, there are STILL some things around us every day that can bring an instant smile to our seriously stern faces.

Here are 100 things to turn our frowns upside down:

1-a day off from work or school

2-a field of wild flowers

3-a hot bubble bath

4-getting a raise

5-free lunch

6-cuddling with our spouse or lover

7-home made ice cream

8-a walk on the beach

9-a hug from our little one

10-the smell of fresh roses

11-a soft feather bed

12-a ride on a motorcycle

13-a jaccuzzi

14-getting our hair done

15-playing with play dough

16-an ice cream soda with two straws

17-riding a wave

18-breathing fresh air

19-passing to the next grade

20-getting an A

21-earning that A

22-writing poetry

23-eating pancakes loaded with butter and syrup

24-staying up all night with our friends


26-getting buried in the sand


28-buying a new outfit

29-roasting weiners and marshmellows

30-winning the pagaent

31-riding horses

32-funny pictures of friends piled into a photo booth

33-a cotton sundress

34-getting those braces off

35-trying on perfume

36-painting your toenails

37-cotton candy

38-love letters

39-pop sickles

40-walking through clover barefoot

41-winning the lottery

42-getting published

43-getting a birthday card

44-licking the mixing bowl

45-slipping around the floor in your socks

46-slow dancing with your love

47-a smile

48-a look

49-a kiss

50-candle wax

51-watching fire works

52-strobe lights

53-the ice cream truck

54-playing in a band

55-sleeping all day

56-buying a new car

57-pigging out

58-candle light

59-hot cocoa

60-coffee pots with timers

61-caramel popcorn


63-your favorite song

64-big screen tvs

65-hearing "I love you"

66-push up bras


68-toe rings


70-peep holes

71-three way calling


73-Santa Claus, the Easter bunny

74-glueing things

75-old photos

76-old houses


78-palm trees

79-four wheelers


81-silk nighties


83-a cold beer

84-a birdie

85-scary masks

86-Halloween candy

87-Easter candy

88-Christmas morning

89-new shoes

90-the first day of school

91-the last day of school

92-hot home made chocolate chip cookies

93-making love in the afternoon

94-making love at night


96-a puppy

97-holding a baby

98-smiley faces



Enjoy some of these now and again, and often. Or think of some of your own. Have fun, live life to the fullest!


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