
100 Why Not Activities for Bloggers


For a long time now, I’ve held one tenet to be true - do one thing a day you otherwise wouldn’t like to do and success will come of it. This doesn’t mean I do something that collides with my ethics or morals. It simply means I do some grunt work, push an idea through the grueling phases, like register for affiliate programs, and other things that take me one step closer to my goals. Why not, right?

We sometimes call upon spiritual guides to bring us nuggets of wisdom. Let the Boom tell you there’s no procrastination bomb shelter. We need to be on top of our game to succeed. We can look for inspiration outside ourselves, but motivation comes from within and explodes outward. A lot of times I motivate myself by asking ‘why not’ followed by some activity. So here are 100 different why not ideas to light your fuse today.

  1. Why not write an extra blog post today?
  2. Why not sign up for an affiliate program?
  3. Why not comment on a blog in your niche today?
  4. Why not read blogs outside your niche today?
  5. Why not drop 300 Entrecards today?
  6. Why not submit a guest post to a popular blog?
  7. Why not enter a blog contest to up my exposure?
  8. Why not create a blog posting schedule?
  9. Why not read an ebook on Affiliate Marketing?
  10. Why not take some time to brush up on SEO skills?
  11. Why not learn how to Freelance like a Rockstar?
  12. Why not digg an article?
  13. Why not do something for someone else?
  14. Why not thank your blog readers?
  15. Why not cleanup your blog categories?
  16. Why not backup your blog today?
  17. Why not learn a little about writing headlines?
  18. Why not experience a new blog submission network today?
  19. Why not send a friendly email to a fellow blogger today?
  20. Why not read through the backlog of feed subscriptions in your reader of choice?
  21. Why not learn to make money online?
  22. Why not drive traffic to your blog by writing a controversial post?
  23. Why not write a recommendation for a blog you love?
  24. Why not update your site’s stylesheet?
  25. Why not consider your brand?
  26. Why not check your site traffic?
  27. Why not submit your RSS feed to a few directories?
  28. Why not hold a contest on your blog?
  29. Why not contract a new logo design?
  30. Why not sign up for twitter?
  31. Why not follow someone cool on twitter?
  32. Why not setup a profile for yourself to network your blog on a social network?
  33. Why not create an avatar that brands your site?
  34. Why not write an ebook chapter on what you know?
  35. Why not update your site’s keywords and title tags?
  36. Why not install a helpful plugin to your WordPress blog?
  37. Why not write a constructive About page?
  38. Why not create custom business cards for offline marketing your site?
  39. Why not write keyword rich content for your site?
  40. Why not submit your blog to dmoz.org for consideration?
  41. Why not backup your WordPress blog to your local hard drive?
  42. Why not find a cheaper webhost?
  43. Why not explore other money making endeavors online?
  44. Why not search for your blog in Google?
  45. Why not try out new blog networks to increase your readership?
  46. Why not give a shout out to a blogger who has helped you recently?
  47. Why not buy some exposure on the Project Wonderland ad network?
  48. Why not buy some ads from recent blogs on Entrecard?
  49. Why not increase your backlink numbers by visiting Aboutus.org?
  50. Why not buy a keyword on OneBuckWiki.com?
  51. Why not stretch our imaginations by creating an innovative marketing campaign?
  52. Why not offer a prize for the top commenters on our blog for a month?
  53. Why not install the Do Follow plugin for our comments?
  54. Why not shop for Entrecard items through their marketplace?
  55. Why not add a widget to your sidebar?
  56. Why not submit your site to all the search engines?
  57. Why not plan a blog attack for the next year?
  58. Why not try to build a huge readership?
  59. Why not follow everyone on Twitter who follows you?
  60. Why not setup your comments as a contact form?
  61. Why not remove non-used categories?
  62. Why not learn about your blog post’s secret life after publishing?
  63. Why not create a budget for your blog?
  64. Why not monetize your blog in a new way?
  65. Why not research new browser toolbars?
  66. Why not come up with a new series of blog posts?
  67. Why not encourage your readers to leave you feedback?
  68. Why not strip your blog of useless badges?
  69. Why not buy a notebook to write down blog post ideas for when you’re on the go?
  70. Why not tell someone in the offline world about blogging?
  71. Why not teach someone the basics of your chosen profession?
  72. Why not write a blog post that will help others?
  73. Why not write a blog post that reveals a little something about you personally?
  74. Why not administer a poll to find out what direction readers would like to see the blog head?
  75. Why not stumble other sites, creating positive karma your own site will get stumbled?
  76. Why not sign up for Sphinn?
  77. Why not create a contest for your blogging friends to all emphasize on their blogs?
  78. Why not join a community on MyBlogLog?
  79. Why not create a MyBlogLog account?
  80. Why not boost your understanding of grammar rules?
  81. Why not cement an understanding of common internet phrases?
  82. Why not pump up your blog traffic by being Dugg?
  83. Why not try your hand at Entrecard slots?
  84. Why not do some exercise while blogging?
  85. Why not come up with a memorable tagline for your blog?
  86. Why not sift through your own archives to rejuvenate your blog purpose?
  87. Why not seek out advice on your blog’s post quality?
  88. Why not try a new meme you haven’t seen on any other blogs?
  89. Why not check old posts for misspelled words?
  90. Why not create a custom 404 page?
  91. Why not submit a sitemap to Google, Yahoo, and MSN?
  92. Why not suggest your blog for inclusion in a blog review site?
  93. Why not buy a banner ad on a popular blog, if you can afford the space?
  94. Why not add helpful information to your sidebar?
  95. Why not add a line to your template so readers are reminded to subscribe to your blog?
  96. Why not give a compliment to a new blogger?
  97. Why not write about the services your enjoy using for free online?
  98. Why not learn new ways to increase RSS subscriptions to your blog?
  99. Why not seek advice from an old school blogger?
  100. Why not write a list of 100 things to inspire others?
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